Rachel Weeber
13 June – 2 July 2023
Can someone pls open this jar of pickles for me?
I used to think of myself as superior for never having been on a dating app. That was until the midst of a pandemic and no way of meeting people. Newly single, with no job and no flat, I downloaded Tinder.
Within 20 minutes I had been whittled down to five of my best looking photos and a jar of pickles, to be rejected or consumed by the masses. I found myself swiping until there was no one left in my area.’
What followed was nearly two years of awful Hinge prompts, a sea of awkward first dates, new friends, a collection of Instagram lurkers, feelings of sexy & reckless abandonment which turn to vulnerable & used, chewed up and spat back out. Wellington is a very small city. I am often left wondering, how do I know you? Oh right, we went on a date to Ascot. I ordered a glass of red and you, a beer. Rachael Weeber, June 2023