Shona Rapira Davies (Ngātiwai ki Aotea)
Critical Mass 4, Riko Riko Tawhiti Rahi (starlight)
Critical Mass 5, Naa, he mauri too ngaa pakeke , he mauri to nga tangata, he mauri too ngaa tuna, he mauri to ngaa manu, he mauri too nga ika, nga reira mate ai eenei mea katoa I te makutu; ki te makututia kotahitanga, eenei mea, ka mate, ngaro tonu atu;ahakoanuieneimakite maakututiakangaro
The lifeforce of the Adults
The lifeforce of the youngsters
The lifeforce of the eels
The lifeforce of the birds
The lifeforce of the fish
All can be destroyed if there is destructive power, destructive powers of all of us then will destroy everything, no matter how big these things are, if destruction is cast on them they will all disappear no matter how big they are, they will all disappear.
Here I give my thanks to John Moorefield for his whakatauki.
Critical Mass 6, Tawhiti Rahi, Riko Riko
E Tangi nga reanga aa uta,
Mahara ahaa reanga aa tai,
Maa taa aha raa, te whakamaahana Taku ora kia tina?
2024, water colour, Kanuka dye, graphite, 1900 x 1240 mm
$ 9500 each